writer & creative iz, at large 


Providing top-notch copywriting and creative services. Have experience working with Fortune 500 companies and smaller ones, too.  Also, an award-winning poet and playwright.

Independent contractor and charge on a project-by-project basis. Talk to me, dahling!


My Services

Copywriting & Editing 

Haven't met a topic yet, can't cover.  Not a financial planner,  bioengineer, cardiologist, oncologist, or plastic surgeon, but can sure sound like it! 


Marketing & Advertising

Content marketing.  Advertising. Brand Voice. Commercials. Blogging. Social Media. E-books. White Papers. Brochures. Battle cries. etc. etc.


Creative Concepts

Ideas. Ideas with legs, wings, fins, etc.  Have plenty of them.  You could try to put them inside the box, but they'd escape.   



Free Samples

Check out some of my work!